Base Budgeting

Updated February 25, 2025

The Base Budget (permanent) is the unit's base funding for the next fiscal year. The base funding is shown on the KFS general ledger in period BB, with document type ACLO, and with description "Initial Budget." The base funding will change according to allocations that are provided throughout the year to establish the following year's "Initial Budget." Base (permanent) allocations include staff (SWG1) and faculty (SWG0) merit and range dollars, approved funding supplied by the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor and other allocations provided by the unit's dean's office or coordinating point.

The staffing list detail report is generated from the combination of Budget and FTE information recorded in KFS>KBM by position, and matched to employee payroll information contained within the on-line payroll system UCPath. This report contains career employees as well as open provisions in SWG0 and SWG1. Changes to the staffing list are accomplished through changes to UCPath Budget Distribution Page (BDP), UCPath position maintenance, or Budget Appropriation Transaction (BAT) documents.

Effective FY25, balancing SWG1 is no longer a requirement. Per OP, campuses are no longer required to submit a Staffing report. Units have the option to utilize BDP in UCPath and KBM Staffing to permanently budget at the SWG1 position level if they want to continue to do so. But there is no requirement to maintain BDP or update SWG1 base budgets for every salary action. Campuses are still required to submit their permanent budgets to OP, so units should continue to make updates to their base budgets to reflect their anticipated expenses. At minimum, unit's should have enough SWG1 permanent budget to cover their career staff obligations targeted at roughly ~95% (dependent on the size of their unit) at the org fund consolidation level. SWG0 will continue to be managed centrally by the Budget office at the position level.

KBM Base Budget and Staffing Guideline

Revised February 13, 2025