Short Term Investment Pool (STIP) Distribution Procedures
UCI’s Short Term Investment Pool (STIP) Calculation
After UCOP determines the campus share of quarterly STIP pool earnings, the campus calculates distributions based on KFS ledger financial data. The calculation process is as follows:
- For every fund, the average three month fund balance is calculated, and STIP income is distributed based on fund’s share of the campus’ total fund balance.
STIP Fund Distribution
Although STIP earnings are calculated for every fund, distribution procedures vary based on UC Policy and UCI practice.
The following fund groups will receive STIP income distributions:
- Federal Loan
- Endowment Income
- Student Services Fee
- Extension
- General Funds
- Extramural Funds as required by the Agency
- Gift
- Plant funds from gift sources as required by the donor
- Auxiliary
STIP earnings for all other funds not specified above are directed to a STIP Earnings - Chancellor’s Fund.
STIP Ledger Entries
STIP distribution entries are recorded as TRCD X798 transactions in the Income section of Control Accounts under the Doc Type “STIP.” Entries include a financial transaction for the quarterly positive or negative STIP amount.