Interlocation Transfers
Updated December 17, 2024
Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF)
What is an Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF)?
An ITF is a transaction that is a budgetary transfer of funds between UC campuses or between a UC campus and the UC Office of the President (UCOP). ITFs are used by academic departments, organized research units, research centers, and programs housed at UCOP to provide funding for various purposes at other UC campuses.
What are some examples of ITFs?
Some programs/departments that make awards through the ITF process include:
- Toxic Substances Research Program at UCD
- M.I.N.D. Institute at UCDMCUC MEXUS Program
- Center for Health Quality and Innovation (CHQI) Gift and Endowment Funds
What can’t be transferred using an ITF?
Intercampus payroll transactions must follow the intercampus payroll transactions policy and procedure and cannot be accomplished using an ITF.
- Extramural funds (except gift and endowment funds) are not transferred using the ITF process. The transfer of extramural research funds to another campus for the purpose of collaborative research between academic units is accomplished by means of a MultiCampus Agreement administered by the Extramural Accounting Offices at the campuses involved in the agreement. Contact the Extramural Accounting office to determine the status of Multi-Campus Agreement transfers.
- Agency account funds cannot be transferred to another location using the ITF process. Use the IOC process.
Are there UC account and fund restrictions?
Yes, there are exceptions that need to be considered when using certain UC accounts and funds.
All UC accounts on the form must have the same higher education function for funds such as State General Funds, State Specific Funds, State Special Funds, Student Fee Funds & The President's Funds. Gifts & Endowments Funds that are not given for a specific higher education purpose and Self Supporting Funds may cross higher education functions.
You may cross funds as long as both UC funds have the same Fund Group Code.
How are ITFs recorded?
Rather than cut checks to one another, UC handles ITFs via a system of financial control accounts. It involves completion of an ITF form .
When will ITFs appear on the ledgers?
ITFs are processed through a systemwide software program. UCOP has deadline (usually 5 business days before month end) and has final approval on all ITFs. ITFs initiated by another campus must be error-free and submitted to UCOP by their monthly due date to be recorded on that month's ledgers.
How do ITFs appear on the ledgers?
The Tracking Number field contains the letters “ITF” and the 5 digit number assigned to the transfer with always begins with the letter “S”. The Transaction Description field gives a brief description of the transfer. The amount of the transfer will appear in the appropriation field.
Brian Varela
Budget & Financial Analyst